
Best Alternative to PowerPoint - 2011 Nominations for Best Alternative to PowerPoint

Best Alternative to PowerPoint - 2011 Nominations for Best Alternative to PowerPoint

Okay, reader, it's time to prove your existence! Vote for--shameless plug warning--OpenOffice.org Impress!

The "purchased" option, well, I leave that to you, but do note that my company's Oracle Open Office uses OpenOffice.org technology and that the recently announced Oracle Cloud Office (see http://www.silicon.com/technology/software/2011/01/14/photos-oracle-cloud-office-in-the-flesh-39746808/) works quite nicely with OOo and the ODF, of course.

Vote now!

Oh, a reason to vote: it's not that we are the best--we are--alternative (detested word!) to PowerPoint (cannot even recall the last time I used it but I'm sure my nightmares can)--but that crucial decision makers are *still* unaware of OOo, and thus of its great savings in cost, time, energy, and of its role in building truly sustainable economic systems and societies.

So, here's a goal for 2011: let's make it a point, an effort, a cause to alert our politicians, local and not, of OpenOffice.org and other free software, for the desktop, and in the cloud.


Spain grovels to penguins over 'Linux' anti-terror plot • The Register

Spain grovels to penguins over 'Linux' anti-terror plot • The Register

Truth is indeed not just stranger but also funnier than fiction.


Tonight's Rachel Maddow....


I don't have a radio nor TV but I do listen to podcasts and one of my favourites--despite the often excessive noise--is Rachel Maddow's show. I like her intelligence, her keenness. (My other fave is Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!)

Tonight's show, focused on the ghastly Arizona Tucson shooting, is worth listening to, and I've appended the URL above. (One should also watch _Bowling for Columbinej_.)