
Best Alternative to PowerPoint - 2011 Nominations for Best Alternative to PowerPoint

Best Alternative to PowerPoint - 2011 Nominations for Best Alternative to PowerPoint

Okay, reader, it's time to prove your existence! Vote for--shameless plug warning--OpenOffice.org Impress!

The "purchased" option, well, I leave that to you, but do note that my company's Oracle Open Office uses OpenOffice.org technology and that the recently announced Oracle Cloud Office (see http://www.silicon.com/technology/software/2011/01/14/photos-oracle-cloud-office-in-the-flesh-39746808/) works quite nicely with OOo and the ODF, of course.

Vote now!

Oh, a reason to vote: it's not that we are the best--we are--alternative (detested word!) to PowerPoint (cannot even recall the last time I used it but I'm sure my nightmares can)--but that crucial decision makers are *still* unaware of OOo, and thus of its great savings in cost, time, energy, and of its role in building truly sustainable economic systems and societies.

So, here's a goal for 2011: let's make it a point, an effort, a cause to alert our politicians, local and not, of OpenOffice.org and other free software, for the desktop, and in the cloud.


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